300 Multiple Choices

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This HTTP redirect response indicates that the requested file has more than one possible responses.

If the server is configured this way then the user needs to select the desired choice to continue.

If the server is not configured for multiple options, then the user may receive another error message.

If this response is unexpected then the user should verify the steps for their request and re-attempt.

If this response is invalid and continues to occur contact server support for help.

The HTTP 300 Multiple Choices redirect status response code indicates that the request has more than one possible responses. The user-agent or the user should choose one of them. As there is no standardized way of choosing one of the responses, this response code is very rarely used.

If the server has a preferred choice, it should generate a Location header.


300 Multiple Choices


RFC 7231, section 6.4.1: 300 Multiple ChoicesHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content