500 Internal Server Error

This is a general server response error, or a “catch-all” error. This error occurs when

451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons

This error response indicates the server is being censored by the government. This error is

431 Request Header Fields Too Large

This error response indicates the server refused the request due to a header that is

429 Too Many Requests

This response error indicates the user has made too many simultaneous, or consecutive, requests to

428 Precondition Required

This error response indicates that a a precondition must be provided to complete the request.

426 Upgrade Required

This response error indicates the server refused the request due to the current protocol being

425 Too Early

!Caution: this is a response for experimental technology. Check browser compatibility before using in production.

422 Unprocessable Entity

This error response indicates the server cannot process the instructions of the request. This error

418 I’m a teapot

This response error was originally used as an April Fools’ joke. The error reflects that

417 Expectation Failed

This response code indicates the server could not meet the response set in the Expect